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Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett

Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development [Solutions Manual] Download !FREE!

Prerequisite: CSE 219 or CSE 260 or ISE 305, or undergraddiscrete math (sets, relations, functions, predicate logic), datastructures, programming in Java, plus ability to catch up withmaterials of CSE219. Credits: 3.Instructor: AnnieLiu,, Computer Science 1433, 632-8463. office hours: Mon Fri 11:45AM-12:45PM and 2:10-2:30PM, by appointment(send email), or stop by any time I'm around.TA: MuhammedFatih Bulut,, 428-4055. Office hours:Tue Thu 12:00-1:20PM, Computer Science 2110.Lectures: Mon Fri 12:50-2:10PM, in Javits 109.Textbook: Main text: SoftwareEngineering (in preparation, free for download) by IvanMarsic, last updated June 2009. Supplemental text: Object-OrientedSoftware Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java by BerndBruegge and Allen Dutoit, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2010.Grading: Weekly assignments, centered around the courseproject, by groups or individuals, together worth 30% of the grade;several quizzes, together worth 10% of the grade; an exam, two groupproject presentations with demos, and the final group projectevaluation, each worth 20% of the grade. Homework is always duebefore class on the following Monday. Reduced credit for latesubmissions, 20% per day, unless more than 40% of group membersprovide official documents for excuses.Course homepage: liu/cse308/,containing all course related information.Lecture ScheduleLecture 1 (01/25/10): Overview. Softwareengineering, state of the art, special difficulty; this course:emphasize modular design and reuse, incremental and iterativedevelopment, and use of tools; course work. Reading:Ch.1. Assignment 1.Lecture 2 (01/29/10): Software process models. Review;development phases; process models: sequential, iterative, modelingand specification driven; creative software ideas, class split. Reading: Ch.1.Lecture 3 (02/01/10): Project description andplanning. Review; meeting group members; people involved,system to build (the "what"), development tasks, development team;project description, project ideas. Reading:Ch.1. Assignment 2.Lecture 4 (02/05/10): Review; scheduling, effort estimation,product quality; summary of major software engineering issues, aboutproduct and process; group meeting: project planning. Reading: Ch.1.Lecture 5 (02/08/10): Requirementspecification. Review; quiz 1; requirement gathering and usecase modeling: user stories, use cases, group exercises, use casediagrams, use case text, "what" instead of "how". Reading: Ch.2. Assignment 3.Lecture 6 (02/12/10): Review; system sequence diagrams; groupexercises; requirement analysis and domain modeling: concepts forresponsibilities, associations and attributes; group exercises. Reading: Ch.2.Lecture 7 (02/15/10): Design. Review; decomposeresponsibilities, refine interactions, introduce "how"; designsequence diagrams; basic design principles: nothing too big,maximizing sharing. Reading: Ch.2. Assignment4.Lecture 8 (02/19/10): Review; from dynamic interactions tostatic structures; more design principles: transactions, caching;class diagrams, class relationships; packages and notes; groupexercises. Reading: Ch.2.Lecture 9 (02/22/10): Implementation and testing.Coding: clarity, efficiency, cost; generate code from models, reuseexisting code; forward, backward, and round-trip engineering; addfunctionalities incrementally; component diagrams. Reading: Ch.2. Assignment 5.Lecture 10 (02/26/10): Canceled due to snow and moved to nexttime. Testing: concepts, faults; unit test: code review, choosingtest cases, test coverage; integration test: bottom-up, top-down,others; test plan, description, and report; quiz 2. Reading: Ch.2.Lecture 11 (03/01/10): Advanced topics.Compressed due to cancellation last time and moved to next time.Object relational mapping, persistent objects. Reading: Mapping Objects to Relational Databases: O/RMapping In Detail, by Scott W. Ambler. Demo 1.Lecture 12 (03/05/10): Delivery: deployment diagram, trainingand manuals. Project presentations. EZBoon's EZBoon (on-lineshopping system); Island Health Solutions' Universa Office Suite(electronic health record management).Lecture 13 (03/08/10): Project presentations. OneStop Solutions' QuickResponse (automatic response to emails);Parfait's Trinity Life (social file sharing on the web); Group SOS'Stony Stuff (trading textbooks and stuff on campus). Assignment 6.Lecture 14 (03/12/10): Project presentations. Team IDC'sCourse Recommendation System; Team 314's Multimedia AugmentedNotetaking Application; Irrational Machines' Rubrik (creating andapplying grading rubrics).Lecture 15 (03/15/10): Modeling and specificationSystems, individuals and relations, states and state variables,events; state diagrams, composite states; activity diagrams. Reading: Ch.3. Assignment 7.Lecture 16 (03/19/10): Interface specifications and OCL.Design by contracts, class invariants, method pre and post conditions,constraints; object constraint language (OCL); an exercise. Reading: Ch.3.Lecture 17 (03/22/10): Measurements andestimation. Review: comprehension, in different languages;group exercises; measurements, use case points; effort estimation.Reading: Ch.4. Assignment 8.Lecture 18 (03/26/10): Review: comprehension, Russell'sparadox; quiz 3; SLOC count, cyclomatic complexity; effort estimation;believe it or not; group exercises. Reading:Ch.4.Spring break: 3/29-4/2/10.Lecture 19 (04/05/10): Advanced design. Designpatterns: structure and behavior, observer pattern, overview of otherpatterns; patterns for concurrency, distribution, security; frameworksand architectures: MVC. Reading: Ch.5.Assignment 9.Lecture 20 (04/09/10): No class. Self study: more designpatterns for extra credit in Assignment 9. Reading:Ch.5.Lecture 21 (04/12/10): Advanced implementation andtesting. Advanced implementation: 4 kinds of transformations,object queries and updates, cost, optimization by incrementalization,maintaining invariants, demo. Reading:Slides. Assignment 10.Lecture 22 (04/16/10): Advanced testing. Review, quiz 4;proving code; system testing; regression testing; testing tools; whento stop. Reading: Handout E1: Preparation forExam.Lecture 23 (04/19/10): Review for exam. Reading: Handout E1: Preparation for Exam.Exam (04/23/10): In class. You can prepare onehand-written"crib sheet".Lecture 25 (04/26/10): Advanced topics.Security: encryption, authentication, authorization, RBAC, trustmanagement, attacks; AOP; problem solving: clear specification,efficient implementation, image processing example, puzzles; summary.Assignment 11. Lecture 26 (04/29/10): CASE and CASE tools, links andresources. Project presentations. Team 314's Multimedia AugmentedNotetaking Application; One Stop Solutions' QuickResponse (automaticresponse to emails).Lecture 27 (05/03/10): Project presentations. EZBoon's EZBoon (on-line shopping system); Parfait's Trinity Life (social file sharing on the web); Irrational Machines' Rubrik (creating and applying grading rubrics).Demo 2 and Final Project Report.Lecture 28 (05/07/10): Project presentations.Team IDC's Course Recommendation System; Group SOS' Stony Stuff (trading textbooks and stuff on campus);Island Health Solutions' Universa Office Suite (electronic health record management).HandoutsHandout Q: QuestionnaireHandout QQ: Questionnaire2Handout A1: Assignment 1: Questionnaire; Customer Wanting SoftwareHandout A2: Assignment 2: Project Description and PlanHandout A3: Assignment 3: Requirement SpecificationHandout A4: Assignment 4: DesignHandout A5: Assignment 5: Implementation and TestingHandout A6: Assignment 6: Initial DeliveryHandout A7: Assignment 7: Requirement Specification and Design 2Handout A8: Assignment 8: Implementation and Testing 2Handout A9: Assignment 9: Requirement Specification and Design 3Handout A10: Assignment 10: Implementation and Testing 3Handout A11: Assignment 11: Comments; Customer Evaluating SoftwareHandout Q1: Quiz 1Handout Q2: Quiz 2Handout Q3: Quiz 3Handout Q4: Quiz 4Handout E1: Preparation for ExamHandout E2: ExamHandout E3: Sample Solution to ExamHandout D: DemoHandout P: PresentationHandout PE: Presentation EvaluationHandout D2: Demo 2Handout P2: Presentation 2Handout PE2: Presentation Evaluation 2Handout R: Final Project ReportOther PointersTextbook homepageby the author of the main text: textbook, projects, course,linksTransaction ProcessingLab: accounts, FAQ, policies, database servers, etc.Instructions forusing the TransLab SVN Server

Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development [Solutions Manual] download


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