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Grupa Twój Zdrowy Ruch

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Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett

Agfa Accuset 1000 Imagesetter Drivers

in addition to offering the highest print quality and reliability of any direct drive imagesetter, the accuset 1000 offers a significant cost savings for print shops that use the highest resolution media, including 600 lpi media. a video explaining the features and benefits of the accuset 1000 can be found on the agfa web site at

Agfa Accuset 1000 Imagesetter drivers

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the platen, the print bed and the print heads are driven by a single, synchronized motor for even print-head positioning. the high-speed drum system allows the accuset 1000 to print up to 4,000 images per day with more than 100 million pages.

the accuset 1000 includes a fully automatic print head cleaning mechanism that quickly removes dried ink from the print heads. the print head maintenance routine is automatically triggered when the system is powered on.

however, it may be a good idea to keep an eye on the prices of the spinner motors youre considering because spinner motors are a very valuable commodity. if they drop in price you may be able to get another imagesetter for less money than a new spinner motor.

so if you have an older imagesetter with a bad spinner motor you may find that its actually cheaper to replace the old spinner motor than to buy a new one. but you may also find that you can get a new imagesetter with a good spinner motor for less than the cost of a spinner motor.

one of the most significant and expensive upgrades for an existing imagesetter is an improved spinner. replacement spinner motors can run from $3,000 to $10,000 or more, according to haddon. but there are some good spinner motors that are less than $1,000. the real savings is in the parts and the labor involved in replacing a spinner motor. the cost of the new spinner motor alone is sometimes greater than the spinner motor.

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