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Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett

E Myth Mastery Pdf 61 BEST

With regard to Mythology, this writing, which bears no mythicalcharacter, is not less remarkable than with regard to history.Notwithstanding the frequent and various relations with Denmark,Sweden, and Norway, we do not find any traces of acquaintance with theNorthern or Scandinavian Mythology. Only Wodin appears in the person ofWodan, a chief of the Frisians, who became the [xix]son-in-law of one Magy, King of the Finns,and after his death was deified.

e myth mastery pdf 61

If we find among the Frisians a belief in a Godhead [xx]and ideas of religion entirely different fromthe Mythology of other nations, we are the more surprised to find insome points the closest connection with the Greek and Roman Mythology,and even with the origin of two deities of the highest rank, Min-ervaand Neptune. Min-erva (Athénè) was originally aBurgtmaagd, priestess of Frya, at the town Walhallagara, Middelburg, orDomburg, in Walcheren. And this Min-erva is at the same time themysterious enigmatical goddess of whose worship scarcely any tracesremain beyond the votive stones at Domburg, in Walcheren, Nehallenia,of whom no mythology knows anything more than the name, which etymologyhas used for all sorts of fantastical derivations.2

At the end of the 16th century, there was an upsurge in interest in Magna Carta. Lawyers and historians at the time believed that there was an ancient English constitution, going back to the days of the Anglo-Saxons, that protected individual English freedoms. They argued that the Norman invasion of 1066 had overthrown these rights, and that Magna Carta had been a popular attempt to restore them, making the charter an essential foundation for the contemporary powers of Parliament and legal principles such as habeas corpus. Although this historical account was badly flawed, jurists such as Sir Edward Coke used Magna Carta extensively in the early 17th century, arguing against the divine right of kings. Both James I and his son Charles I attempted to suppress the discussion of Magna Carta. The political myth of Magna Carta and its protection of ancient personal liberties persisted after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 until well into the 19th century. It influenced the early American colonists in the Thirteen Colonies and the formation of the United States Constitution, which became the supreme law of the land in the new republic of the United States.[c] Research by Victorian historians showed that the original 1215 charter had concerned the medieval relationship between the monarch and the barons, rather than the rights of ordinary people, but the charter remained a powerful, iconic document, even after almost all of its content was repealed from the statute books in the 19th and 20th centuries. None of the original 1215 Magna Carta is currently in force as it was repealed, however four clauses of the original charter (1 (part), 13, 39 and 40) are enshrined in the 1297 reissued Magna Carta and do still remain in force in England and Wales (as clauses 1, 9 and 29 of the 1297 statute).[6][7]

This view of Magna Carta began to recede. The late-Victorian jurist and historian Frederic William Maitland provided an alternative academic history in 1899, which began to return Magna Carta to its historical roots.[226] In 1904, Edward Jenks published an article entitled "The Myth of Magna Carta", which undermined the previously accepted view of Magna Carta.[227] Historians such as Albert Pollard agreed with Jenks in concluding that Edward Coke had largely "invented" the myth of Magna Carta in the 17th century; these historians argued that the 1215 charter had not referred to liberty for the people at large, but rather to the protection of baronial rights.[228]

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