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Grupa Twój Zdrowy Ruch

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Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett

Off Grid Download No Surveyl ##HOT##

The 2020 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey shares key insights on the perceived demand for, and impact of, off-grid appropriate appliances using data collected from 133 industry, policy, and development stakeholders. The survey results reflect the dynamic needs of off-grid consumers and aim to characterize the positive socioeconomic impact of a range of household appliances, productive use equipment, and healthcare technologies.

Off Grid Download No Surveyl


The ORES Conference has provided a forum to discuss how some of the challenges to collecting off-grid energy data might be overcome. The conference was open for anyone to participate with a main target audience of people responsible for collecting, reporting or using off-grid energy statistics within governments, the private-sector, NGOs and international organisations.

WARNING: Please review the following PDF for instructions on how to calculate correct standard errors. As a result of multiple imputation, the dataset you are downloading contains five times the number of actual observations. Failure to account for the imputations and the complex sample design will result in incorrect estimation of standard errors.

Special note to R users: An outside programmer has created scripts for converting and working with SCF data. These scripts are available for download from: -of-consumer-finances-scf.html

* Some browser versions will download these files in unzipped form; the resulting files may require up to 72 MB of disk space. All of the versions of the full and summary extract public data sets are provided in compressed form as WINZIP files. Return to text

GOGLA conducted a survey to understand how this disruption is likely to impact the off-grid solar industry. This blog presents results from 33 respondents, primarily SHS Kit manufacturers, surveyed in mid-June 2021, and messages from a GOGLA Technology Working Group call that followed. Download the detailed results here.

Vietnam has put a lot of emphasis on the development of the national grid over the last decade, 96% of all households had access to electricity in 2009, and this increased to 96,4% in 2012. However there are still almost 550,000 households without access to the National Grid.

The objective of the survey "Off-grid Opportunities and Challenges in Vietnam" is to screen off-grid communities and to evaluate renewable energy resources, technologies, and potential funding for their electrification. To reach this objective a desk survey has been executed, followed by a large amount of expert interviews with relevant stakeholders in the sector including many Government Representatives, private sector, financial institutions and Renewable Energy experts from institutes and businesses.

The GEOID18 grid files in the little endian and ASCII grid formats that were posted on this page prior to November 26, 2019, contained errors in a small percentage of the grid cells (1 in 500). NGS has since corrected the errors and replaced these files. We encourage users that have previously downloaded any of the little endian or ASCII grid formats below to immediately replace them with the updated grids.

NGS has created a list of check points for each of the GEOID18 subgrids, so users can tell if the grids they are using are affected by this error. In addition, several files (kml, shapefile, xlsx 11MB) are available to plot all of the bad grid cells and illustrate the areas affected by the errors (1 arcmin buffers).

The National Geodetic Survey has provided two computer programs for users working with GEOID18. Compiled executables for both Windows (intg.exe and xntg.exe) and Linux (intg_v34.exe and xntg) platforms. The source code is located in a compressed zip file. INTG interpolates geoid heights from data files using user-provided coordinates. XNTG extracts sub-grids from the binary data files, converts back and forth between binary and ASCII data formats, and provides statistics regarding a data file.

To determine geoid heights with the GEOID18 model, download an INTG executable file, as well as at least one data file. You need to select only those data files that cover your region of interest; the program will recognize the available corresponding files . Select one or more of the data files using either the graphical or data interfaces.

These reports by Power Africa provide insights into the opportunities and risks associated off-grid solar energy markets in various countries and gives companies, investors, governments, and other stakeholders a deeper understanding of the market.

Rwanda has made substantial progress towards its goal in energy access, moving from 6 percent on-grid access in 2000 to 37 percent on-grid access in 2019. Despite this impressive progress, the low starting point represents an opportunity for the off-grid sector to flourish. It has already reached 14 percent of the population. These numbers indicate that although other countries may have larger markets in terms of absolute size, the impacts of the off-grid sector within the overall energy sector are very high in Rwanda. The Government of Rwanda (GOR) has also shown its commitment to the off-grid sector by setting a target for 48 percent of the population to be served by an off-grid product by 2024.

To date, small solar home systems (SHSs), sold through a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model, have dominated the off-grid sector, which is a situation similar to other markets in East Africa. However, according to results from the Fifth Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV5), the ability to pay is low in Rwanda. The survey shows that 75 percent of off-grid households spent less $1.67 per month on lighting and telephone charging. This constraint has been recognized by GOR, which is working with development partners to design a subsidy.

At the same time, government policies, originally developed in the late 1990s, have provided an official framework for private development and financing of large-scale grid infrastructure, mini-grids, and standalone power systems. Although this framework has not entirely delivered on expected results, it has helped to attract large quantities of donor finance.

Our foresight report looks toward the year 2030, investigating the opportunities for off-grid energy. Focusing on drivers of change and signals of innovation, the report explores potential futures for the intersection of off-grid power and:

Note: Each ZIP file contains ESRI Shapefiles for grid areas, sections and units as well as the associated metadata files in English and French in XML and HTML formats. You can access FTP help and FTP software on the GeoGratis website.

Some image viewing software cannot render survey plan TIFF or JPG images that are relatively large in scale or in file size (> 8 MB). It could appear to be blank when, in fact, the data simply cannot be displayed. Consider downloading free image viewing software that is capable of viewing these types of images, such as IrfanView.

Some of our scanned survey plans and related documentation are available in DjVu format where file sizes are large and high file compression is required. To view DjVu files, download the free DjVu viewer.

Some of our cadastral related documentation and maps are available in PDF format. To view PDF files you need Acrobat Reader 6.0 (or later). If the Adobe download site is not accessible to you, you can download Adobe Reader from an accessible page. If you choose not to use Acrobat Reader, you can convert the PDF file to HTML or ASCII text by using one of the conversion services offered by Adobe.

Double grid is a very efficient way of increasing the point cloud quality in urban areas and areas with complex elevation or high vegetation. Use Double grid option in photogrammetry settings (Figure 21).

With an 86% average accuracy22, the WSF aims to capture a significant proportion of the small-scale rural settlements in addition to the comparably larger structures of cities and urban clusters21. It is known that information extraction proved difficult for the predecessor of the WSF, the Global Urban Footprint (GUF), when it was applied to areas of sparse and scattered settlement structures with a weak vertical expression45. In developing countries, the WSF thus likely underestimates the total urban footprint, with dispersed low-level single dwellings often going undetected. Furthermore, extremely poor dwellings (e.g. thatched houses) can be missed entirely22. As these settlements most likely lack electricity, or have only off-grid power46, we potentially underestimate the amount of unlit settlements in developing countries. Identifying these settlements will require additional efforts which could include crowdsourcing, in-situ data collection, earth observation techniques and more47. There is also a large homeless population within the urban areas of many developing nations that our methods may not be able to reflect. Future planned improvements to the WSF, along with other human settlement products48, could be tested using the methods proposed in our study.

In developing countries, our results are driven largely by a lack of electrification in rural areas within countries (Fig. 3, Supplementary Data). Employing the degree of urbanization approach49 defining rural and urban areas, we find a consistently higher level of unlit settlements in the rural domain with numerous countries experiencing greater than 80% of their rural infrastructure having no measurable associated radiance. Government agencies have prioritized expanding access for urban, rather than rural, areas, with underserved or poor areas deemed non-profitable50. However rural electrification holds great promise for increasing well-being, via off-grid power generation46,50 or grid electrification with significant positive impacts on household income, expenditure, health and education51. Going forward, our study could help to specifically target rural settlements in developing countries in need of electrification. 350c69d7ab

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