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Grupa Pilates

Publiczna·5 uczestników
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett

Endling †Extinction Is Forever Free Download (...

The difference between us and other animals is that we have the ability to think about our choices and as far we know animals just act on instict. Also, there is no population control for us as of yet. If we take out all our resources and are forced to reduce our population(through starvation, disease, war, or w/e else may happen) then sure that will keep us in check. In the meantime we'll cause millions of extinctions, forever altering the course of future lifeforms. Most people don't look at the big picture, but this is what we do. We will eat up all the resources at one point and make it harder, if not impossible, for large scale civilizations like we have now. This is just my opinion though and here I am going off topic responding to a weird comment on these forums.

Endling – Extinction is Forever Free Download (...


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